D-CIXS X-ray Spectrum

Date: 31 July 2004
Satellite: SMART-1
Depicts: D-CIXS Spectrum
Copyright: SMART-1/D-CIXS Team
The plot contains 22 spectra that were obtained by D-CIXS on 31 July 2004 over a period of several hours. Each spectrum covers the range from 1.5 to 10 keV.
The spectra fall in to two groups: one group of spectra of the bright calibration source SCO-X1 and one group of background measurements.
The spectra are overlayed in this plot and were given different colours for clarity. The first group of six spectra at the top are the spectra of SCO-X1. The second group of spectra at the bottom show the background measurements.
Last Update: 1 September 2019