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Be an INTEGRAL astronomer: Useful resources

Be an INTEGRAL astronomer: Useful resources

Here are a number of relevant resources for your competition entry. They also provide useful background reading. There are many other resources available online and in print that are not listed here; however we do suggest that you ensure that the other resources you use are up-to-date and reliable.

INTEGRAL websites:

INTEGRAL overview
INTEGRAL in depth
INTEGRAL astronomers website
INTEGRAL Science Data Centre


X-ray astronomy:

XMM-Newton overview
XMM-Newton in depth
XMM-Newton astronomers website
NASA Imagine the Universe: World of X-ray Astronomy
Cambridge University: An Introduction to X-ray Astronomy
Chandra X-ray Observatory: The X-ray Astronomy Field Guide


Variable stars:

Chandra X-ray Observatory: Variable Stars
The INTERNET Encyclopedia of Science

Frequently asked questions

A list of 'Frequently asked questions' will be complied and updated throughout the course of the competition, should you have any questions please first check the list here.

If you cannot find the answer you require in the frequently asked questions list please contact us at


A glossary of terms relevant to the 'Be an INTEGRAL astronomer' competition can be found here.

A more in depth glossary about astronomy in general can be found here.

Last Update: 1 September 2019
3-Mar-2025 20:47 UT

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