Status report archive

Status report archive

Report for Period 21 April to 11 May 2007The reporting period covers a period of three weeks of limited science observations and navigation after the successful execution of the deep space manoeuvre 3. The Jupiter observation campaign with the ALICE instrument continued till beginning of May.
Published: 14 May 2007
Report for Period 24 March to 20 April 2007The reporting period covers a period of four weeks of limited science observations and navigation in preparation of the deep space manoeuvre 3.
Published: 25 April 2007
Report for Period 10 March to 23 March 2007The reporting period covers a period of 2 weeks of various activities following the Mars swing-by, including:Jupiter observations by ALICEAOCS EEPROM SAM patch removalROSINA Delta-commissioning
Published: 26 March 2007
Report for Period 25 February to 9 March 2007The reporting period covers a period of two weeks following the Mars swing-by on 25 February 2007.
Published: 14 March 2007
Report for Period 10 February to 25 February 2007The reporting period covers a period of two weeks, ending with the successful Mars swing-by on 25 February 2007. Leading up to the actual swing-by and science observations of Mars, preparatory activities were performed as well as instrument calibrations. All activities have been conducted...
Published: 27 February 2007
Report for Period 27 January to 9 February 2007The reporting period covers a period of 2 weeks characterised by preparatory activities for the Mars swing-by (MSB) phase. During the reporting period the following activities have been conducted:
Published: 12 February 2007
Report for Period 13 January to 26 January 2007The reporting period covers a period of 2 weeks with minor preparatory activities for the Mars swing-by phase.
Published: 29 January 2007
Report for Period 30 December 2006 to 12 January 2007The reporting period covers a period of 2 weeks with the first preparatory activities for the MarsSwing-by (MSB) phase.
Published: 15 January 2007
Report for Period 15 December to 29 December 2006The reporting period covers two weeks of active cruise for Rosetta, including the last Active Checkout week and a thermal characterisation. The first payload Active Checkout campaign, which started on 22 November, was completed on 22 December.
Published: 3 January 2007
Report for Period 8 December to 15 December 2006The reporting period covers the third consecutive week of active checkout operations with the Rosetta payload. During this period, the operated instruments included ALICE, OSIRIS, ROSINA, VIRTIS, RPC and SREM. In particular, interactive checkout operations were performed with OSIRIS and ROSINA. RPC...
Published: 15 December 2006
Report for Period 1 December to 8 December 2006The reporting period covers one week of active cruise, which was dedicated to instrument Active Checkout operations.
Published: 11 December 2006
Report for Period 17 November to 1 December 2006The reporting period covers two weeks of active cruise, during which the first payload ActiveCheckout (PC4) started.
Published: 5 December 2006
Report for Period 27 October to 17 November 2006The reporting period covers three weeks of active cruise. The activities carried out during the reporting period included a Trajectory Correction Manoeuvre and preparation for the upcoming Active Checkout (PC4).
Published: 21 November 2006
Mission StatusThe Rosetta spacecraft and its payload are in excellent health and everything is set to prepare the Mars flyby on 25 February 2007.
Published: 10 November 2006
Report for Period 6 October to 27 October 2006The reporting period covers three weeks of active cruise. The main activity carried out during the reporting period was the fifth Attitude and Orbit Control System (AOCS) checkout.
Published: 2 November 2006
Report for Period 15 September to 6 October 2006The reporting period covers three weeks of active cruise and was dedicated to the preparation and execution of the second Deep Space Manoeuvre (DSM2).
Published: 9 October 2006
Report for Period 1 September to 15 September 2006The reporting period covers two weeks of active cruise for Rosetta. Operations performed during this period included preparation operations for the upcoming Deep Space Manoeuvre and a thermal characterization.
Published: 22 September 2006
Report for the period 18 August - 01 September 2006The reporting period covers two weeks of active cruise. Operations performed during this period included the fourth passive payload checkout and a thermal characterisation.
Published: 7 September 2006
Report for Period 28 July to 18 August 2006The reporting period covers three weeks of active cruise for the Rosetta spacecraft. During this period, telemetry generated during Passive Cruise period was dumped to ground, and some maintenance activities were performed on on-board control procedures (OBCP) and mass memory files.
Published: 21 August 2006
Report for Period 30 June to 28 JulyThe reporting period covers four weeks of passive cruise, in which the spacecraft remained in Near Sun Hibernation Mode (NSHM). The mode performance during the reporting period has been nominal.
Published: 2 August 2006
27-Jul-2024 01:04 UT

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