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V162 is Being Made Ready

V162 is Being Made Ready

13 August 2003

Launch Campaign Team in Kourou - French Guiana

If not much is happening on the SMART-1 spacecraft, the same cannot be said for our launch vehicle, which has been readied in the BIL (Bâtiment d'Intégration Lanceur). The lower part of the launcher comprises the cryogenic main core stage (with the Vulcain main engine, oxygen and hydrogen tanks), the two solid rocket boosters and the upper stage including the vehicle equipment bay where the SMART-1 adapter will be installed. The assembled lower part has been transported today from the BIL to the BAF (Bâtiment d'Intégration Finale) where the upper part of the launcher will be assembled.

Ariane Launcher Being Moved into BAF


Upcoming Milestones

14 August - Simulation of the 4th Orbit (ESOC)

Launch delayed - new schedule
17 September - SMART-1 and adapter mated on the launcher
22 September- Fairing integration with INSAT
23 September- Upper composite completed to launcher
24 September - Launch vehicle filling
24 September- Dress Rehearsal
25 September- Launch readiness review
26 September - Launcher moved to launch pad
27 September - at 23:04 GMT launch of V162 (A516)

Last Update: 1 September 2019
13-Mar-2025 17:19 UT

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