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SMART-1 Launch

SMART-1 Launch

27 September 2003

European Spaceport, Kourou, French Guiana

Lift-off !

Rollout of launcher to launch pad

23:14 UT
Lift-off. Flight V162 has succesfully cleared the launch pad and SMART-1 is on its way.

23:07 UT
Countdown resumed. Seven minutes on the clock.

22:55 UT
With seven minutes left till the arrival of the launch window, a delay is announced.

22:00 UT
SMART-1 and its launcher are still on track for lift-off tonight at 23:02 UT / 01:02 CEST.

The Ariane 5 launcher left the final assembly building yesterday as it rolled out to the launch pad where it now firmly stands, awaiting the arrival of the 19-minute-long launch window.


Last Update: 1 September 2019
15-Feb-2025 07:59 UT

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