Mons Gruithuisen Mosaic

Date: 08 February 2006
Satellite: SMART-1
Depicts: Mons Gruithuisen and crater Gruithuisen
Copyright: ESA/SPACE-X, Space Exploration Institute
This composite view shows the region on the Moon containing two lava domes Mons Gruithuisen Gamma and Delta, as well as the crater Gruithuisen (16km diameter). The images were taken by the AMIE instrument on 9 February 2006 at a distance of 2240 km from the surface.
Gruithuisen Gamma is the more westerly of the two domes and spans 20 km in diameter, rising to 1200m above the surface. In the centre of the dome is a small 900m diameter crater. Gruithuisen Delta is slightly smaller - 13 km in diameter - but stands 1550 m above the surface.
The prominent bowl-shaped crater directly east of Mons Gruithuisen Delta is crater Gruithuisen B - which is roughly half the size of crater Gruithuisen at 9 km in diameter.