Announcement Archive

Announcement Archive

AnnouncementThe International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern, Switzerland, invites proposals from International Teams to conduct on its premises research activities in space science (solar system science, including geo and planetary science, climate and space weather, astrophysics, including astrobiology, and cosmology), based on the analysis and evaluation of existing data from several spacecraft and eventual integration with ground observations and theoretical models.
Published: 30 March 2004
The ESA Directorate of Science has issued an Announcement of Opportunity (AO) for membership of the Instrument Science Team (IST) of NIRSpec.
Published: 18 March 2004
INTEGRAL Announcement of Opportunity (AO-2)
Published: 15 July 2003
AnnouncementThe International Space Science Institute (ISSI) invites proposals from International Teams to carry out research projects in space science in Bern, Switzerland. These projects include fundamental physics and comparative planetology and should be based on the analysis and evaluation of existing data from several spacecraft and eventual integration with ground observations and theoretical models.
Published: 6 March 2003
Announcement of Opportunity for the selection of Co-Investigators for the PFS and VIRTIS experiments to be flown on the Venus Express mission.
Published: 12 December 2002
Call for Letters of Interest
Published: 31 October 2001
The European Space Agency solicits the participation of the scientific community in the Mars Express Orbiter and Lander Programme to further increase the scientific return of the selected investigations and of the mission as a whole, through this Announcement of Opportunity (AO).
Published: 23 June 2001
Updated: A list of submitted proposals for the re-use of the Mars Express platform has been added.27-Mar-2001 A briefing to interested parties on the Call for Ideas for the re-use of the Mars Express platform took place at ESA Headquarters, Paris, on 23 March 2001.
Published: 22 May 2001
Gamma-ray astronomers and astrophysicists the world over are today being solicited for Guest Observer proposals using ESA's Integral observatory. The European Space Agency officially issued its Announcement of Opportunity (AO-1) on 1st November.
Published: 6 November 2000
It is planned to publish the proceedings of the EGS PS2 session dedicated to the planet Mercury, in Planetary and Space Science. This special issue is also open to contributions which were not presented in Nice, provided that they are directly related to Mercury science. Papers on missions, technologies and instrumentation specific to the exploration of Mercury are also invited. Deadline for submissions 31 July 2000
Published: 12 May 2000
Flexi-missions were introduced into the Horizons 2000 implementation concept in 1997 with the purpose of increasing the flexibility of the programme, basically by splitting each Medium size mission (M-missions) of Horizons 2000 into two Flexi-missions (F-missions). This new concept as well as other contingent reasons make the present call quite different from the M-mission calls which have been previously issued by the Science Directorate of ESA, the last one being the M3 call of 26 November 1992, which eventually resulted in the selection of the COBRAS/SAMBA (Planck) mission.
Published: 30 September 1999
The 8th Announcement of Opportunity (AO-8) for participation in theASCA (formerly Astro-D) observing program has been announced. This differs fromprevious ASCA AOs in thatit covers the final months in orbit with a more limited capability. Thisis because once Astro-E is launched (currently January 2000), the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) will nothave the manpower to continue ASCA operations at current levels.European observers may participate by submitting proposalsdirectly to the Japanese time allocation. The closing date is 12 October 1999.
Published: 29 September 1999
Following an invitation to ESA by the Institute of Space and AstronauticalScience (ISAS),the First European Announcement of Opportunity (EAO-1B) for participation in theAstro-E observing programme opened on 15 July 1999.This EAO covers a nine-month period commencing aroundAugust 2000. The proposal deadline is 17 September 1999.Approximately 5.5% of the total observing time will be allocated to proposalswith Principal Investigators from ESA Member States for collaborativeinvestigations with Japanese astronomers.
Published: 15 July 1999
The XMM Science Operations Centre of ESA will be holding the First XMM Workshop at ESTEC, Noordwijk, 30 September - 2 October.The Second Announcement and Call for Papers is now available.
Published: 20 July 1998
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