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Observing the Dark Universe with Euclid - Conference presentations

Observing the Dark Universe with Euclid - Conference presentations

17-18 November 2009
Space Expo - ESTEC
Noordwijk, The Netherlands

conference poster [pdf]

The conference "Observing the Dark Universe with Euclid" was held 17-18 November 2009, with the main objective to present the Euclid mission to the international scientific community and to encourage feedback in advance of the ESA Cosmic Vision review process.

Euclid is an all-sky space mission designed to map the geometry of the dark Universe. Its primary objectives are the study of dark energy, dark matter, modified gravity and cosmic initial conditions.

At the two-day conference the Euclid science case for fundamental cosmology and legacy science were discussed, along with the current baseline for Euclid's payload, mission and ground segment. Synergies with related ground based and space based projects were also discussed.

The conference presentations are available for download in PDF format from the programme table below, through the links in the rightmost column.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Session 1: Mission Overview
09:30 Welcome
09:40 Programmatics Clavel PDF
10:00 Euclid Assessment Phase Summary Laureijs PDF
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 Euclid Imaging Refregier PDF
11:40 Euclid Spectroscopy Cimatti PDF
12:20 Lunch break
Session 2 - Science case - objectives and primary probes
13:50 Cosmology today Peacock PDF
14:20 Weak lensing Amara PDF
14:50 Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations Wang & PDF
Percival PDF
15:20 Coffee break & posters
15:40 Fundamental Cosmology with Euclid Amendola PDF
Session 3 - Science case - other cosmology probes
16:10 Redshift space distortions Guzzo PDF
16:30 Clusters: spectroscopy Biviano PDF
16:50 Clusters: imaging Weller PDF
17:10 Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect Aghanim PDF
17:30 Posters session
18:00 - 21:00 Conference dinner

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Session 4 - Science case - legacy science
09:00 Legacy with spectroscopy Zamorani PDF
09:20 Legacy with imaging Carollo PDF
09:40 Supernovae search Hook PDF
10:00 Exo-planets Beaulieu PDF
10:20 Coffee break & posters
Session 5 - Synergy with ground and space based projects
10:40 Euclid ground based complement Lilly PDF
11:00 ESO spectroscopy and imaging Leibundgut PDF
11:20 Future ground based imaging surveys Kuijken PDF
11:40 Future ground based spectroscopy surveys Le Fèvre PDF
12:00 Planck status Laureijs PDF
Session 6 - Mission and Payload
12:20 Mission Lumb &
12:40 Lunch break
Session 6 - Mission and Payload (continued)
13:40 Industrial system design: Astrium Wallner PDF
14:00 Industrial system design: Thales Alenia Anselmi PDF
14:20 Imaging instrument Amiaux PDF
14:40 Spectroscopy instrument Zerbi PDF
15:00 Coffee break & posters
Session 7 - Simulations and Data Handling
15:20 Spectroscopy performance simulations Garilli PDF
15:40 Imaging performance simulations Kitching PDF
16:00 Data Handling Valentijn & PDF
Pasian PDF
16:30 - 16:50 Conference Summary

Last Update: 1 September 2019
14-Mar-2025 06:37 UT

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